Whitehall Finance



Companies are looking for a cost-friendly setup and hire under-qualified people to look after the accounts. As a new found business expense and activity, this is entirely understandable. However, a hurried or superficial financial statement damages the credibility of the business.

This raises alarms for potential investors and causes the company to miss out on potential investments. While finance is a daunting task for seasoned business professionals and newcomers alike, the importance of access to funding and loans cannot be understated when expanding your business or in times of turmoil.


Investors have become more demanding with up to date financial statements to allow them to compare investment opportunities. Moreover, these companies are more likely to be vulnerable to fraudulent activity. This is one of the reasons why such cases have become increasingly common.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are one of the most vulnerable groups with these changes to the market environment and new business-standard. With many responsibilities dependent on a few people, details are often overlooked. These companies are targets for fraud, and more cases of this are occurring yearly. While finance is not certainly the core consideration in setting up a business, overlooking its importance can result in dire consequences.

Beyond understanding a company’s current operations, agreements and stance relative to competitors, choosing when to take out a loan and which markets to expand to are actually time-sensitive actives as well. It takes a holistic analysis of internal finance reports combined with market reports to make these decisions in the most opportunistic way.
