Whitehall Finance


A challenging market filled with new competitors, volatile changes in the market and sales, and changing costs leads to multiple decisions regarding money daily. Without a clear and frequently updated understanding of a company’s financial position, all of these decisions and deals cannot be made effectively.


Due to taxation being imposed, most companies are already well on their way to having the foundation for financial reporting and understanding. By expanding the use of their financial reporting, there is an opportunity for enterprises to identify the most valuable operations, the least valuable and direct their business to its full potential.



Inadequate accounting procedures lead to companies being behind their competitors. Since companies are unable to understand their cost and revenue structures, they find it difficult to control costs while they are growing. This often leads to a reduction in profit margins that often go unidentified bringing the company to reach unprofitable stages.



Scaling a business to new heights requires increased accuracy and control of costs and revenues. Contrary to popular belief, businesses do not have to temporarily reduce profit margins in order to grow. Addressing the areas of improvement in a business and finding new sources of revenue within an existing structure gives the cash and operational cushion for growth with limited risk.

While internal analysis is absolutely essential, comparison to the market to be able to benchmark your standing to competitors is a non-negotiable activity. Finding access to these private records are nearly impossible at worst and time-consuming at best. Market knowledge is more likely held by professionals in financial reporting and vague assumptions do not do justice for understanding where you stand compared to your competitors.